Updated September 2022
New Events!
Main Uniform
1.SS Arizona strives to look the best on the battlefield. We wear uniforms as close to the real thing as possible. The following are acceptable uniform choices for your impression, and can be purchased at the following approved vendors:
-M40 tunic
-M36 tunic (on authorized occasions)
-M40 trousers (others per commander discretion)
-Black leather belt
-Waffen SS Belt Buckle
-Period eyeglasses (if needed, clear contacts permitted)
-Insignia (see insignia section)
-M35 helmet
-M40 helmet
-M40 field cap
-Jackboots (hobnails preferred)
-Lowboots w/gamaschen
Field Gear
Next is our field gear. It is necessary to be effective in battle, and turns uniformed men into efficient war machines.
-Y strap (Leather)
-2 K98 pouches(black)
-M31 breadbag
-M31 canteen w/cup
-M31 mess kit
-Gas mask canister (gas mask not required)
-Entrenching tool w/cover
-K98 bayonette w/ scabbard and frog
-ID disk
Optional but reccommended
-A-frame w/bag
-Tornister bag
-Rucksack (tornister bag prefered)
-Oak-a zeltbahn
-Reproduction socks
-Esbit stove
-Sewing kit
-Wool blanket (field grey)